Premix gas burners - Low NOx class 4
Premix Low NOx Class 4 Burners set a new standard in environmentally friendly combustion technology. These burners utilize advanced premixing techniques to achieve ultra-low levels of nitrogen oxide emissions.
C & E premix series

Model no. Min output (kW) Max. output (kW)
C70N 70 725
E120N 100 1200
TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS & DOWNLOADS [https://www.cibunigas.it/en/tecnopress-premix]
G premix series

Model no. Min output (kW) Max. output (kW)
G200N 146 1980
G215N 145 2135
G240N 210 2433
TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS & DOWNLOADS [https://www.cibunigas.it/en/novanta-premix]